It was a clear, winter’s night on a Blue Super Moon at Wentworth Goal - a perfect setting for
a paranormal investigation.

We set ourselves up in the prison yard to start the investigation. The prisoners yelled out
number ‘7’ through the spirit box (in reference to a bottle of Jack Daniel’s) asking for a glass.
We then heard distinct footsteps behind us as if walking up to collect a glass or two! When it
was time to move on, the dowsing rods pointed where to go next…
This led us into a room where we were welcomed by ‘Miss’ and it appeared to be a
classroom. We set up our equipment with the REM Pod going off and the EMF detector
lighting right up to red. We soon realised a gentleman was with us come to tell his story. The
dowsing rods validated his name by going through the alphabet – Michael. Michael then
pointed the rods to where his photo was on the display boards.We discovered Michael Kennedy (Police Sergeant) was involved in the Stringybark Creek siege with Ned Kelly in October 1878. He told us he had come to tell his story even though he was never at the gaol. Had he been with us since we entered the gaol – the answer was a resounding ‘yes’ by a strong cross of both rods.
We decided to explore further and invited Michael to follow us. Several times he activated
the REM Pod after we asked him specific questions.
Upon leaving Wentworth Gaol, we had flashing blue lights behind us and highway patrol
pulls us over for a routine licence check. We drove 20 metres to our motel and it was then
that we looked at each other, astonished that Michael had indeed kept his word and safely
seen us home.
PS Michael Kennedy is a policeman ambushed by Ned at Stringybark Creek in October
1878 - one of 4 police officers with himself and 2 others dying after being shot. Ned was
executed in November 1878.
Wentworth Gaol is in Wentworth, NSW operating from 1881-1927. You can learn about
the history of the gaol and see much of the original building and its contents. It’s one of
the first Australian designed gaols.
Paranormal 11:11 is located in Victoria – Lisa & Pru with over 15 years of paranormal
